Becoming a Kundalini Activation Facilitator
April 12th
5pm PST | 8pm EST
NEXT DAY: 8am BALI | 10am Australia
I'm READY to ANSWER the CALL as an Energy Healer!FREE LIVE 2hr Masterclass
What to expect:

☞ To be held in sacred learning space with other flourishing energy healers & medicine carriers. (If you are new to the path, I welcome you).
What is Energy Healing?
What is Kundalini Activation?
What does it take to be a KA Facilitator?
How will this change my & my clients' lives?
☞ To visualize the journey of an integral energy healer as I share the "6 Pillars" to build upon.
☞ Remember your medicine through my story’s ongoing journey of initiations as an Energy Healer. Integrating the inner-wisdom from various lineages I’ve lived. I’ve been doing this for lifetimes.
☞ Receive a KUNDALINI ACTIVATION transmission to experience and acknowledge the power of a vessel that holds high frequency energy and how the transmission can be felt online because energy doesn’t know Time & Space.

For YOU God - Goddess that is READY to:
- Release holding repetitive patterns
- Let the EGO step aside & SURRENDER
- Merge to ONENESS with ALL THAT IS
- Heal Blockages from this lifetime or past lives
- Gain Clarity, Priority and FLOW with life
- Go DEEP to unknown states of consciousness
- Add KA modality to your healing offering
Does this sound familiar?

If so, You’re in the right place
Personally, I come from the corporate world, straight out of college for 18+ years. I have always been SPIRITUAL and suddenly a switch was flipped that was unexpected. A FORCE BIGGER THAN ME had me divorced from my corporate life to FULLY IMMERSE into my SOUL VOCATION as a SPIRITUAL Leader.
But before getting to where I AM NOW, I was having the SAME questions and feelings you are having. I couldn’t sleep at night. Especially on eclipses because my body would not stop shaking, contracting and lifting.
When I attended ceremonies in Bali, Mexico, Peru, Egypt and many of the other sacred places I’ve lived, I would see myself holding sacred space but didn’t know where to start.
I doubted myself, questioned what others would think, who am I to be in that position, narrowing it down to not thinking I was WORTH IT.
Well…I’m HERE TO TELL YOU that,
If the desire exists, it ALREADY LIVES WITHIN YOU.
It’s time to UNLEASH your Divine Healing Potential
RISE to your CALLING and START holding SACRED space.
Blissfully awaken your UNIQUE Healing Spiritual Gifts following the playful energy flow.
How are you being called to Step Up & Lead?
Your tribe is longing for your medicine.

The ONLY FREE MasterClass with a Kundalini Activation "KA" transmission
You are a POWERFUL vessel of Energy that only needs to be turbo charged with the HIGHEST FREQUENCY to Step into your Greatness.

Kundalini Activation Energy Healing is TRANSFORMATIVE
The last intensive trainings in NY, LA & London have been INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL.
The amount of deep radical HEALING that takes place is NEXT LEVEL which is what allows you to awaken your INNATE Self-Healing abilities.
Many students have integrated KA to their healing practice offering and others just come for the paradigm shift healing.
Students want to return to the Weekend Intensives to continue UP-LEVING after witnessing how their life have transformed.
I’m a WORLDWIDE Ceremonial Life Force Energy Healer. A “Kundalini Activation” Facilitator trainer. Peruvian + Egyptian Priestess Intuitive Channeler.
MY PASSION as an Energy Healer is to empower those seeking to AWAKEN their own Divinity.
By Activating the Life Force Energy known as “KUNDALINI”, we REMEMBER that we are the Self-Healers, God-goddess creators of our own reality, who came HERE & NOW to live our GREATEST Potential. Letting go of ILLUSION, Surrendering to the Divine Plan and Living our Life Purpose

I am here to guide you and hold HIGH FREQUENCY Energy so you may breakthrough and have access to the UNIQUE medicine only you can bring to our world.
'When the student is ready the teacher will Appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will Disappear.' - Buddha
It is always an HONOR to receive all my students TRUST as their Teacher. And a MONUMENTAL PRIVILEGE to see them fly high when connecting with their INNER TEACHER who was the true guide all along.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to register & experience what I have to share with you.

FREE LIVE 2hr MasterClass
April 11th
5pm PST / 8pm EST
9am Indonesia / 12pm Australia
Includes ONE Hour FULL KUNDALINI Activation Transmission
Register Here00
Hello Beautiful,
I’m MARIA, your Ceremonial KA Trainer
I was born in the sacred land of Peru and raised by a devotional grandmother. I’m the daughter of a powerful highly intuitive Peruvian Mother who is a natural born shamanic healer. My father is an indigenous artisan and andean music artist. I myself was born with my own unique healing gifts that awakens stronger each day.
In the last few years I've spent much time in Bali, Egypt and Mexico before returning to my roots in Peru leading sacred spiritual retreats.
I've been on a fast evolutionary growth which many of us are being INITIATED into.
This is probably why you've landed on this page.
Some of the Programs I host and have concluded are:
- Host of “All Things Spirituality” podcast
- Received KAP transmission from founder in facilitator training
- I AM (Yo Soy) Path - Graduate of the one year and a half program under master teacher, Matias de Estefano out of Cairo, Egypt.
- Master Energy Healer - Graduate of the one year Life Force Energy school.
- Self Realization Fellowship - 10+ years life student of the teachings of Ascended Master Paramahansa Yogananda on Kriya Yoga.
- Graduate of the Dolphin Star Temple - Pleiadian Light Work
Check Out what other KA Students are saying

The KA (Kundalini Activation) immersive weekend training was an EXTRAORDINARY experience.
Maria encouraged each person's DIVINITY to come through and show up to do the work. She was incredibly knowledgeable and articulate.
Sometimes these classes spend too much time lecturing, rather than in practicing, but thank you Maria for structuring the class to practice most of the time we were together so we could walk away confident. I can't imagine a class that offers better value!
I look forward to coming back for more programs and classes in the future.
Antoinette - South CA, USA

I highly recommend Maria and her KA "Kundalini Activation" training. She brought powerful, loving energy. She has a beautiful SHAMANIC power that she brings to the space.
At one point, Maria touched my back, and it felt like a bolt of LIGHTNING hit my spine as my electrical system was activated, my spine bent, and my body danced with electricity.
Maria deserves a 10-star rating. Thank you for doing the work to bring transformation, healing, and growth to the world. I look forward to playing in the Kundalini energy in the future.
Doria - New York, USA

The transmissions channeled through you Maria, scooped, and scraped so much hidden, buried, or unknown calcified parts of me still residing within me. YOU TOOK MY HEALING EVEN DEEPER INTO THE VOID! It was so powerful and strong that as soon as I got home, my gut and digestive systems broke down.
You got me to RELEASE a lot of stuff I did not know I needed to let go. The energies were completely working inside my body that it forced me to completely RESET this week! As a healing arts practitioner,I needed to receive the frequencies you helped facilitate for those 2 alchemizing days. I have no words to truly describe how grateful and thankful I am for you and the work you do. I learned SO much! You are an embodiment of the ANCIENT WISDOM.
KA is transformative and I am blessed to have discovered this modality. Thank you again.
Carla - London, UK

Thank you for leading such a beautiful Kundalini Activation group session last weekend. KA is new to I'm just beginning to discover its TRANSFORMATIVE Powers.I had such an emotional experience going deep within my subconscious. I saw childhood patterns that weigh me down today. Areas that I want to change in my life because they no longer serve
You provided a safe space where I could see RELEASE THE GUILT associated with that behavior. After the session, I felt so much love and light.
The NON-DUALITY exercise was really grounding, as if you were able to SLOW DOWN TIME and just be.
It was a great Segway into the following KA transmission. The music was amazing. The CACAO was so special. Basically everything was very well organized. Oh, and you were magical!
Thank you so much!
Emma - South CA, USA

You have the Power WITHIN and the Spiritual Guides outside, to create any reality you desire.
Unlock your healing gifts. Don't wait!
Free 2 HOUR MASTER CLASS on becoming a Kundalini Activation Facilitator.